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  • Writer's picturetoofan tahmouresi

Creating Environment and World

Creating Paint Layers for Land Scape

For Landscape creation I created paint layers with different material parameters. these layers are divided with 4 layers of materials.

Also ı defined material functions to Add noise Blend Weights, distance Textures, basic colors and distance material integrations.

Material Instance created to alter the parameters of the landscape:

Height Blend and Slop Blend is defined to smartly added a paint layer on the surface according to the height of Surface of landscape.

World Machine Landscape Model Creation:

For Providing a main landscape i used World Machine Tool to create my desired environment. World Machine provides verity of materials and landscapes with height and normal maps which can be imported into the Unreal Engine. For this project I didn't use world machine's materials and textures and only used the height Map. The reason to avoid WM's Materials is I use Megascan and Quixel Pixel's World scans textures and Assets.

Next Blog

On the next Blog I will present how to added a time of the day and dynamic environment

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